Well, I'm back (have been for a while) from New York and finally have a couple of photos to share.

It was a beautiful wedding and reception. Ames and I had a wonderful time.

The weather was beautiful. The reception was at an old bank that is now Cipriani 42nd Street. Fantastic.

I got to spend a nice bit of time with Erik and Solvar, my cousins from Norway. This photo of them was taken at the rehearsal dinner. Erik speaks English very well and Solvar and I communicated amazingly well using her limited English, some signs and the few words I know in Norwegian. They tried to talk me into spending a year teaching English in Trondheim. I have to admit I'm very tempted!

I also got to see my cousin Sherise, who lives in Florida, and her brother Brian and wife Laura from SF and my aunt Shirley from Connecticut.

We stayed at the Waldorf=Astoria (thanks, Dad!), I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (twice!) and after Amy arrived we did a bit of window-shopping. No yarn stores but I did make a waterbottle holder and started a pair of socks. No pix of those, though. Hey! Get a flu shot!
Oh my gosh, it just looks like a beautiful wedding. I hope the marriage is just as great! Yeah that flu shot is looming for me as well, last year was my first year but being in a school makes it so essential. You look great in the pictures by the way. What's your secret :)
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