Saturday, June 30, 2007

One Month Later...

Okay, here are pictures. We start with my folks and family on Mother's Day this year. My dad joined us for a nice brunch at Northridge along with my sister Marilyn and her daughter and grandkids. Amy was in Idaho. :(
I did go and spend a week with her.
Next we have the wedding of my cousin Mona and her partner of 20 years, Frode. They came to the US (update: Mona, Frode, their girls and Mona's parents live in Trondheim, Norway) to get married in San Francisco and honeymoon in Hawaii.

They are joined by their daughters Maria, 16 and Julia, 13.
The pastor's wife surprised us with a beautiful cake for a little reception upstairs from the chapel. There were also "waffle kakes" with jam, a traditional treat with "kaffe".
To Dad's left is his neice, Ellie. She is his late sister Agnes' daughter. I think she looks just like Agnes but so far I'm alone in that opinion.

My cousin Brian and his wife, Laura, drove over from Sausalito to join us. They're expecting another boy in October. Hooray! Neil and Heidi were there and the blonde with her back to the camera is my newest sister-in-law, Julie and Bernice is to her left.

The exterior of the Nowegian Seaman's Church, 2454 Hyde Street.

The visiting family wanted the photo beneath the American flag but it was around the corner and too small a space for a picture so they settled for the Norwegian flag. Just a pure coincidence that Alcatraz is behind the happy couple!

This is a view from the balcony of the condo where we settled for another little champagne celebration.

Later that evening we gathered for a dinner at the Hyatt Fisherman's Wharf.

The cutting of the cake and then feeding each other a piece was a new one for the couple and they were a bit unsure why we had them do it!

Whew! I am unskilled at blogging! This has taken me over an hour so I hope these will hold you a while.

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Blogger Linz said...

Great pictures! Where is Mona from? The US? It looks like everyone had a great time. Miss you!! Love ya,

9:18 PM  
Blogger hagybaby said...

Whoops! Thanks, Linz! See how much I depended on you? ~K

8:40 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

Wow! That's one big entry, but it was great seeing your family having so much fun. What a great way to get married! I'm still sad you can't come to Stitch N' Pitch in Sacramento with me, but at least we have the trip to SF for the other game! (By the way, I asked Kat to go with me.)

10:42 AM  

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