Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I've been sick with a cold/sinus infection for over a month. I got it a week after I got home from Kentucky. Kaiser is playing hard to get with me. This is our last full week of school and I can't be there! This may be my last week in a classroom as a full-out teacher. Boo-hoo! I've been going to work and was feeling better but I went to Washington, D.C. last weekend for Matt and Julie's housewarming and since I got off the plane home, I've had a splitting sinus headache. Poor me, huh? Wah-wah-wah. Okay, enough of that.
Kentucky was great, I saw a number of people from Kansas but didn't get a chance to visit much with them.
Amy is in Ohio now for her little brother's high school graduation. Time flies. She's doing very well in school even scoring a 93+ on a math test! She didn't get any math skills from me, let me assure you, the high school tutoring paid off.
I'm heading back to bed...I'll put up photos of something soon. I'm sure you just can't wait.


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