I used to look like this:
and now I look like this!

Ugh! Granted, 23 years passed between the two photos but still! Goodness gracious, Gertrude! I've got my work cut out for me.
I dragged myself into a local teacher supply store to get a plan book. I'm just not mentally into it again yet. But I had a great meeting with my new partner (and her darling baby!) and so at least I have an idea about the curriculum. Tonight I went with friends to a farewell party for a dear woman who has been at the school for 34 years and was my principal when I left. I will miss her but she has (finally!) gotten a grandchild deserves to go and play a bit.
I'm going to do a bit of laundry and knit a bit. I found a couple books about knitting socks on circular needles so I'm going to send those off to Linz. If you're reading this, Linz, update your blog! In your spare time, of course! :) I'm debating starting a pair of socks tonight to work on at the meetings I have this week but I'm not too sure how well it would go over. But, better to be prepared than sorry, right? That's enough to convince me, I'm so glad we could discuss that.
Well, I have stitches to cast on (I just do the same pattern everytime for my gi-normous feet) but first a yarn to choose. Ah, what to choose? Opal? Lorna's Laces? Trek XXL? I have too much stash to choose from. Such a delightful dilemma!
ooh, ooh, ooh ... do the Trekking! My next socks are going to be on the Trekking skeins that I bought at Lambtown. By the way, did I tell you that on September 1st, I am starting a diet so that I can stop being fat?
So this is about diet and knitting (instead of diet and fitness haha), okay so I'll join in, back to school has already shed 5 pounds off me, wow! It really does make a difference. And I found my sock knitting pattern, not at all like what I was making up so last night I frogged until I couldn't stay awake. One more try, knitting group is tonight so if I can pay attention to my knitting instead of talking to everyone the whole time (or helping the newbies, that's right, I'm a teacher of knitting now) I should have a picture of a finished sock my this weekend. At least one foot will be warm. And hey, since this yarn is so amazing, if it only takes only one skein then lets swap the other one, send me something you could care less about and I'll send you this one. Or I'll send you this one anyway since you bought it and I'll do my work instead of making more socks :)
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