Here I Go...

In an effort to retain my sanity while embarking on a new phase of my career I am going to use this blog to keep my thoughts straight and not lose "my life" to "my job."I'm in my early 40's and have a daughter in her early 20's. I've just completed a M.S. Ed Autism/Asperger's and am starting back to teaching in a couple weeks after a 3 year absence. I'll resume teaching but will also work as a learning resource. I'm very excited about it but I don't want it to consume my every waking moment. Therefore, I will try to limit entries to this blog related to my j-o-b.
I mentioned my daughter, who is the light of my life. No pressure, Kiddo! She is studying to become an elementary teacher and she will be fantastic. I don't know if she'll pursue special education but she certainly has the disposition for it. She loves kids and is very patient with them.
I have a precious pup, Tinkerbell, who just turned 9 years old. She's a rescue and is either Shih Tzu or Lhasa Apso or both. Her tongue is too long for her snout and always hangs out(unless she's made to go out in the snow!) VERY cute and she works it. I need to replace all the carpet in the house.

I have an eclectic taste in music. I listen to music from the early 1900's to contemporary. I adore XM radio.
I love to knit but don't get to do it as much as I used to. I usually knit socks but am right now working on a purse. I picked up the fiber while visiting the "Lambtown" festival in Dixon, CA with my fellow knitting friend, Karen. Sorry, no pix and it's unlikely I'll be going back anytime soon. Not that great. I like knitting with the silk but it doesn't have any "give." It should turn out pretty sturdy.
yay! a blog. I'm so excited, even though I am talking to you as I write. And already a link, you are fabulous. Now the next step is pictures, right :)
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